Saturday 7 February 2015


Kerala is known as 'land of
the Coconut' , wherever you
look they are growing.
Constantly producing flowers
then fruit high up safe in their
leafy crowns.
The health promoting nut
is an important ingredient
in the Keralite cuisine.
The tree has 101 different
uses, the fresh leaves when
plaited make excellent roof
and floor mats.
The trunks convert easily
into long beams by splitting
for house construction.
The mature kernel when sun
dried is pressed to make oil
and the immature tender nut
gives us the delicious sweet
coconut water.

Get your coconut water,
man it's good for your daughter,
the coco's gotta lot of iron,
make you strong like a lion.
You can cook it in a pot,
you can serve it very hot,
get your coconut candy,
make you feel very dandy.
What's best if your feeling glum,
is coconut water and a little rum,
it will make you very tipsy,
make you feel like a gypsy.
(Thanks Harry Belafonte)