Wednesday 24 February 2016



Scoring the bark of the tree allows the milky juice to flow into collection cups. This all happens early in the morning while sap is rising, here the harvester has tipped the pots and taken the liquid back to the mill.

The latex is formed into mats that are milled through a mangle and hung to dry in the sun ready to go for further processing.



The Areca or Betelnut has an intoxicating effect when chewed. The tall trees grow up to 25 metres in hight.


Clusters of nuts form high up in the canopy, harvesters climb one tree then swing their weight to bend the flexible trunks over to the next tree. I'm waiting to catch this on film.


Agriculturalists tending the crop, the flowering tops must be removed to encourage vegetive growth and inhibit the plants from going to seed.

The dried and cured leaves at Kasaragod market.


Smoking and chewing tobacco products is injurious to health.